
dCode dCode is a toolkit website for decryption, ciphertexts, cheating at letter games, solve riddles, treasure hunts, etc. Opened in 2009, the site has grown steadily and improved, offering more and more tools and carried by its users, dCode has become a public site, free and open to all!
MD5Hashing Ultimate Hashing and Anonymity toolkit
DeCodeIngress Tools Here you can find some basic functionality that can help you with decoding passcodes. ASCII, HEX, BASE64, BINARY, REVERSE, OCTAL, ROT N, Vigenere.
  • Use tr to decode rot13: tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]'


the cryptopals crypto challenges This site will host all eight sets of our crypto challenges, with solutions in most mainstream languages.
Tags: ctf crypto