
Pentesting con Kali En el Taller abordaremos todo lo relacionado a un Pentesting: La distribución Kali Linux, conoceremos el funcionamiento de las herramientas, bajo entornos reales daremos objetivos a ser escaneados y obtención de información.
Metasploit Unleashed
by Offensive Security
The most complete and in-depth Metasploit guide available, with contributions from the authors of the No Starch Press Metasploit Book. We will teach you how to use Metasploit, in a structured and intuitive manner. Additionally, this free online ethical hacking course makes a wonderful quick reference for penetration testers, red teams, and other security professionals.

Privilege Escalation

Windows Privilege Escalation

Windows Privilege Escalation Fundamentals This guide is meant to be a “fundamentals” for Windows privilege escalation.

Linux Privilege Escalation

Basic Linux Privilege Escalation Most cited material about basic linux privilege escalation.
Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet List of a few Linux commands that may come in useful when trying to escalate privileges on a target system.
Linux Privilege Escalation Cheat Sheet Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet.

BOF - Buffer OverFlow

Simple Buffer Overflows This post will detail how to find a simple buffer overflow, gather the information you need to successfully exploit it and how to eventually get a reverse shell against someone running this program.
Offset DB (Windows) This website provide you a list of useful offset that you can use for your exploit different Windows versions. Useful to find stack pointers.


Meterpreter Cheat Sheet  
Metasploit Cheat Sheet by SANS